Quality Hemp Biomass, processing and market research
In order to obtain quality Hemp it is very important to plan the work to be done during the year, when we talk about biomass we mean the entire apical part excluded the shaft; in other words the entire organic part of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant
Cannabis Sativa biomass is a product with huge potentialities and numerous fields of application, as it is used in the pharmaceutical and textile industries, in the cosmetic and energy sectors.
What is Cannabis Biomass
When we talk about biomass we mean the entire apical part excluded the shaft; in other words the entire organic part of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant.
Varieties rich in CBD and CBG are chosen and selected by the pharmaceutical industry and by the cosmetic sector, to obtain cannabis distillates containing cannabinoids in their purest forms, hemp oil, CBD crystals and all other possible derivatives from the processing of the product.

Programming the job
In order to obtain quality Hemp it is very important to plan the work to be done during the year. Locating and analysing the land one intends to operate on, considering the weather conditions of the territory, as this could influence the drying phase of the product, hence identifying the countermeasures to be adopted.
Analyses during the seasonal growth of the product, with the aim to understand in which percentages of CBD or CBG are present; the variation of a percentage point can make the difference with regard to the economic value of the product.
At the same time the analyses are necessary for keeping THC under control, in compliance with the provisions of the Law.
All the processing phases are important as well as harvesting; planning the moment of harvesting in an adequate manner will avoid the dispersion of product and energies.
How many individuals to employ in the harvesting team and how to harvest and transport the product are essential elements which should not be ignored either.
There are many examples of small companies losing a part of their crops due to poor programming.
The storage site is equally important. Taking the dimensions of the warehouse into account you will programme the storage of the product.
The area should be prepared and designated for the conservation of the Cannabis crop in the most appropriate way; too small a space could create a whole lot of problems. The temperature and the humidity are two essential factors to pay regard to.
In conclusion, the drying phase and the positioning of the material in a correct manner will allow to avoid many issues, like the formation of moulds.

Quality Biomass
It is fundamental for the industry working with biomass to source quality Cannabis; Green Valley, for example, produces hemp containing the highest quantities of cannabinoids, CBD and CBG, while able to maintain the levels of THC low.
Our hemp is cultivated outdoor
The fields used by Green Valley for cultivation are accurately selected in order to guarantee the absence of chemical substances; in fact during the cultivation no pesticides are applied and the guidelines of GACP (Good agricultural and collection practices for medicinal plants) as well as the protocols of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) are scrupulously observed, so as to preserve the purity of the material to the max.
Is it legal to cultivate Cannabis Sativa in Italy? How to find the seeds?
In Italy it is possible to grow Cannabis Sativa according to Law no. 242/2016 regulating the topic.
The seeds utilised should be listed in the European Register of seeds, with the certification attested by the identification tag.
As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, Cannabis Sativa L. flowers are rich in cannabinoids, CBD in particular; the latter has been received very positively by the public opinion due to its properties.
Not just extraction of cannabidiol, the plant can be used for specific applications, for the production of paper, fibre, bioplastic, food products and vegetable biomass.
If you are interested in purchasing Cannabis Sativa L. seeds, Green Valley proposes an interesting opportunity with the promotion of Futura 75 seeds.
We are talking about a monoecious variety developed in France; in general it develops a percentage of CBD/CBDA of about 2-3% and 0.12% of THCA/THC.
For further information you can write an e-mail to info@greenvalleysa.org